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Qiandaohu sub farm passes inspection by Second Central Environment Protection Supervision Group


From Aug 10th to Sep 11th, the second Central Environment Protection Supervision Group came to Zhejiang Province for inspection. The company formed a receiving team headed by deputy general manager Xia Yongtao to make self-inspection and ensure implementation of the company’s environment protection policies.

In response to the correction requests made by the Central Supervision Group, the company took correctional measures on the three Qiandoahu sub farms’ environmental sanitation, hardware facility, and operation record, etc.

In the Jiaziling cold water sub farm, sewage water treatment equipment was checked and repaired, tail water discharge pipes were repaired, garbage bins were installed, and a garbage recycling agreement was signed with the local government department.

In the Danzhu cold water sub farm, domestic sewage treatment facilities were installed, discharge water pipes were buried deep and extended, and the domestic sewage water treatment facility operation record was established.

Together with Qiandaohu Development Company Environment Protection Supervision Group, the company inspected the Qiandaohu cage farm’s environment protection platform, net cages, duty rooms, dead fish detoxification treatment pool, and summer base. Additional garbage bins were installed. Sewage water pumping and moving record was established. A waste oil recycling agreement was signed with local government department.

Through the joint effort, the company passed the most strict environment protection inspection on its three sub farms in history.