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Province Science Commission Party Secretary investigates Xunlong


In the company of deputy secretary of Quzhou municipal party committee Jiang Xunbo, province Science Commission party secretary Zheng Jinping visited the company to investigate the academician station setup progress. Company deputy general manager Xia Yongtao accompanied the investigators in the company’s in-land sturgeon farm, product research and development lab, and reported the company’s background and production status, as well as the setup progress of the academician station, the actual improvement in economic benefit, technology innovation capability, and product upgrade brought by the station. After listening to the report, secretary Zheng said that sturgeon is valuable all over the body, and that having realized considerable volume of caviar production, the company should further improve its quality, and not ignore the development of sturgeon by products, so as to bring additional value, realize stable and sustainable development of both the company and the Chinese sturgeon industry.
