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Xunlongers gather in Qiandaohu for Coolness in Summer Activity


7am July 11th. Staff of Quzhou sub farms set out in the light rain and arrived in Qiandaohu to find it clear and sunny. They’re in luck to see the beautiful thousand island lake.

Qiandaohu is where the company was founded. The company chose to return to where it all began to hold its annual summer activity, firstly as a home-warming for the new farming base, and secondly to give staff from Quzhou and Qiandaohu a chance to bond.

 The staff circled around the new farming base in the company’s live fish transportation boat. Some staff were quite taken aback to see for the first time pieces of sturgeon swimming in the cages in the vast island decorated lake, among the spectacular nature.

After the tour, games were held on shore. The first game was tug-of-war. All staff were divided into 6 groups for the knockout game. Company general manager Wang Bin acted as the referee. With the blowing of his whistle, everyone put their utmost force onto the rope. Waves of chanting, roaring and cheering echo above and afar. Everybody had a good time. The next game was swimming. For safety’s sake, the contestants wore life jackets in the game.  A sharp contrast with the previous game, in this one friendship came before competition, people played in the water and forgot this was a contest.

 After the games, Xunlongers gathered in the dusk, reminiscing stories of the past, the ups and downs, grateful for having what they have, and wish to create a brighter future all together.


