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Xunlong sends VP to attend the 8th International Symposium on Sturgeon


    The International Symposium on Sturgeon (ISS) is an international convention initiated in 1989 by World Sturgeon Conservation Commission and sturgeon associations and scholars all over the world. It is a platform for academic exchange of sturgeon resource conservation and sustainable exploitation, as well as an axis for international government cooperation. The 8th International Symposium on Sturgeon (ISS8) was held during Sep 10th ~16th at Vienna University of Natural Resource and Life Science.

    The convention included academic presentations, technology seminars, and commercial exhibitions, etc. To introduce to the world China’s achievement in sturgeon resource conservation and sustainable exploitation, and learn from international sturgeon professionals, Xunlong sent company VP Xia Yongtao to attend the convention. He presented to the convention through China National Aquatic Wildlife Conservation Association (NAWCA) Analysis of China’s Sturgeon Resource Conservation and Industry Development.