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Kaluga Queen makes its appearance on Wall Street Journal


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Wall Stree Journal is a comprehensive newspaper that features financial and economic stories. With 2,000,000 daily circulation, the Journal's influence is enormous and extensive across the world. Adding its Asian, European, and on-line editions, more than 20,000,000 people are reading the Journal every day.

A bombshell piece Fine Wine and Caviar - Made in China? caused quite a sensation globally. For many years, "Made in China" had been seen as a synonym of "cheap and of poor quality". That is why the fact that Kaluga Queen caviar made in China beats such products made in other countries in aspects of color, roe, and even taste and texture has made such a stir world wide.

This is only a small step. To let more and more people recognize products "Made in China", Kaluga Queen still has a long way to go.