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New star on the Australian market - Kaluga Queen caviar



As one of the most important expositions hosted by Diversified Exposition Company of Australia, the yearly International Exposition of Fine Food Australia gathers the most up-to-date food, beverages, and related equipment. Being a registered UFI project, this expo has enormous support from Australia Trade Commission.

According to data from Australia Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia’s importation of food from China has a trend of growth over the past years, among which the importation of Chinese Sea Food and half processed food has been the biggest portion.

This year’s Fine Food Australia was held on Sep 20th ~ 23rd, 2015. Kaluga Queen attended the expo as an exhibitor, and attracted many potential customers’ attention.

Taking the chance of being in Australia, Kaluga Queen’s sales team visited several potential customers, who all showed great interests in cooperation. Our beluga caviar turned out to be their favorite with its unique grey color and perfect oceanic aroma. We hope in the near future, Kaluga Queen caviar shall start its new chapter in the continent of Oceania.