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Xunlong attends and makes presentation on ColdWater Fish Industry Alliance meeting



The fifth council meeting and technology seminar of the state “Cold Water Fish Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance” was held in Harbin. Over 90 representatives from 50 cold water fish research institutes or companies attended the meeting.

It is common knowledge in the Alliance that the sturgeon is the best industrialized among the state’s cold water fish. The sturgeon industry has set a good example for all cold water fish industries.

A representative from our company, vice president of Ningbo Tianang Co. Ltd., Professor Wang Kaiyu from Sichuan University of Agriculture, Lu Tongyan from Heilongjiang Institute made presentations, respectively of “Analysis of processed sturgeon products and domestic market”, “How to aquaculture healthy quality cold water fish efficiently”, “Application of immune polysaccharides and polypeptides in disease prevention and treatment of salmon and trout”, “Research status of domestic contaminating necrosis of hematopoietic organs in rainbow trout”, which led to enthusiastic response among the delegates. The delegates had heated discussion over the present status of cold water fish industries and the key problems urgently calling for solutions.

For the first time in the Alliance council meeting, a display of product information was introduced on the annual meeting. As a premium industry delegate, Xunlong displayed its related products and brochures.