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Xunlong's Kaluga highlights Qiandaohu Fish Museum


Qiandaohu Organic Fish Festival opened on Oct 19th 2015 at the Xiyuan square. The festival’s theme is “protecting water with fish, making water beautiful and people rich”. Many activities were held: young fish release, fish jumping over the dragon gate, Qiandaohu Fish Museum opening ceremony, root finding for Chun fish customers, huge net fish catching, etc.

The opening ceremony of Qiandaohu Fish museum was one of the Festival’s highlights. The museum hosts a variety of interesting exhibits, such as the local nine-family fisherman culture, 104 fish specimens, fish fossils of thousands of years’ history, international and domestic rubbings of fish. However, the most loved object in the museum was the 130kg live kaluga donated by Xunlong. Director Yan Hongming of Zhejiang Nature Museum issued a certificate of honor to the company for the donation.

Kaluga is one of the biggest fresh water fishes. It originates from the Cretaceous period over 130 million years ago, and is only found in the Heilongjiang river in China. The company's first batch of Kaluga has been living in our farm for many years. Two of the biggest ones now have moved into the their new home in the fish museum, telling the story of the beautiful thousand island lake and attracting tourists from all over China.
