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2015 Seafood Expo Asia - Kaluga Queen caviar


The sixth Seafood Expo Asia was held in Hong Kong Conference and Expo Center on Sep 8th ~ 10th, 2015. Formerly named Asian Seafood Exposition, the expo is a trade exposition that aims to provide an exchange platform for seafood suppliers and buyers all over the world, and facilitate business opportunities in their development of markets in Hong Kong, mainland China, and other Asia Pacific regions.

To deepen its knowledge of Hong Kong market, Kaluga Queen attended this expo and took the chance to meet with old and new customers. Many caviar suppliers and distributors visited the expo. Industry information and views on market were exchanged. Everyone took the Hong Kong market very seriously. As a professional caviar producer, Kaluga Queen has no reason to omit opportunities at its front door, and shall put in more effort in exploring the Hong Kong market.
