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Xunlong holds its first professional title review meeting


The company held it first professional title review meeting on May 11th 2018. The review included grading and voting. The meeting was hosted by company general manager Wang Bin and 4 specialists retained externally.


The panel of 5 judges reviewed and discussed the candidates’ basic conditions, capability levels, and main performances before making comments, grading the applying materials, and finally casting anonymous votes. The voting results were to agree to promote 1 candidate to senior engineer, 1 to senior technician, and to appoint 4 as engineers and 2 as assistant engineers.


This review is a milestone in establishing a professional title policy and building asset team in the company, paving the ground work for the company’s future development in optimizing technical team, employing and retaining more suitable technical assets, and maintaining the company’s edge in technological innovation as well as its leadership status in the industry.